Report damage

Find garage (Danish only)


Remember to report potential damages
If you damage your company car, you must always report it to your company's insurance company.

Insurance at Nordania
If you are insured at the insurance company Tryg, and if you have Nordania Assistance as a part of your lease agreement, you can report damage directly to Nordania Assistance at

+45 70 15 13 15
Nordania Assistance will help you report any damages to Tryg and also make sure that you get a courtesy car if your car is no longer operational. When you report the damage to Nordania Assistance, you will be contacted by Tryg within 48 hours with an update.

You can also report directly to Tryg
In case of damage, you can also report directly to Tryg at +45 87 31 87 39 or Remember to state the registration number on your car.

Charge of excess
If you have questions regarding the charge of excess, please call Tryg directly at +45 87 31 87 39. Alternatively, you can write an email at – remember to state your car's registration number.

Insured at another insurance company?
If you are not insured at Nordania, you can often report the damage through your insurance company's website.

Damage repair

When you have your company car repaired, you must always use a garage that has been appointed by your insurance company.

Remember to bring a signed Vehicle Service Form.

Retrieve Vehicle Service Form

Company car service FAQ

  • I am not insured at Tryg via Nordania - what do I do?

    No matter where you are insured, you always have to report the damage to your insurance company. They can direct you to a garage as well. If you have Nordania Assistance, they can help you transport your car to the garage.

  • For how long time do I have the courtesy car?

    We offer the courtesy car, which you have booked through Nordania Assistance at +45 70 15 13 15, for up to three days.

  • What is my policy number?

    If you are insured at Tryg via Nordania, you just need to state your registration number when you address the insurance company. If you order a green card, you should just state "Nordania" under the policy number.

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