Return company car

Find out where, when, and how to return your company car.

When do I have to return my company car?
We will notify you by email or letter approximately 45 days before you have to return your company car. In the email or letter, you can see the exact return date and detailed information about your choices and obligations. If you have not made an appointment yet, it is a good idea to do it as soon as possible.

Pooling agreement
Does your company have a pooling agreement with Nordania? Then please be aware that you must return your company car to one of Nordania’s collection points no later than on December 20.

Please remember

  • What do I have to return?

    Must be handed over:

    • All keys.
    • Registration certificate - part 1.


    Must be placed in the car:

    • Service records. If you have the car's service records electronically, please place a printed copy in the car's manual.
    • Accessories such as roof box, roof rack, navigation, etc.
    • Winter tyres and rims (placed in the boot).
    • Potential fuel cards (must be destroyed).
    • Potential damage reports (placed on the front seat).
  • Cleaning the car

    • Please remember to clean the car both on the outside and the inside. Any logos and foliation must be removed.
    • Smoking in the car is not permitted and will be invoiced for unusual wear when the car is being returned.
  • In case of damages

    • Please remember to report damages that have not been repaired so it can be covered by the car's comprehensive insurance. Potential damage reports must be placed on the front seat when the car is returned.
  • Remove personal belongings such as...

    • BroBizz.
    • Parking license.
    • Electronic parking disc.
    • Sunglasses.
    • Chargers.
    • Etc.
  • Delete personal data

    • Before returning the car, you are required to delete all data encoded in the car's computer system, including GPS, phone book, etc.

Reservation for drop-off

Nordania cooperates with, who has drop-off locations all over Denmark. By using the link below, you can see the locations and make a reservation for returning your car. You can choose between the following two ways of returning your car:
  • Inspection including examination of the report (takes approximately 40 minutes).
  • Drop-off for later inspection (Takes approximately 5 minutes).

Nordania recommends that you make an appointment at least one month in advance.

Please note that this service is free of charge.

* You might not be able to make an appointment if using Internet Explorer. Therefore, we recommend that you make the reservation through Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

Return at a car dealership

When you have your new company car delivered from one of Nordania’s primary car dealerships, you have the possibility of returning your old company car at the car dealership.

Nordania recommends that you book the transportation at least one day in advance.

Please note that this service costs 595 kr. + VAT. Subsequently, it will be invoiced by Nordania.

Have your company car collected

If you cannot return your car yourself, you can have it collected on your company address by Axess Logistics.
Deadline for booking
You have to make a reservation at least three days before you would like the car to be collected. From this, Axess Logistics will have three further days to collect the car. We cannot guarantee which date your car will be collected and therefore, the keys must be available on the address stated on the lease agreement within the opening hours.

Example: Your lease agreement expires on August 1. You must book the transportation no later than on July 26 with the first possible pickup date on July 29 to ensure that the car can be returned on August 1.
If you have any questions regarding the transportation you are welcome to contact or +45 43 43 13 13.

  • Make sure that the car is returned punctually with reference to the lease agreement.
  • Axess Logistics guarantees delivery within three weekdays after you have placed your order.
  • Nordania considers the car returned when it has been received at one of our collection points.
Please note that this service costs 595 kr. + VAT. Subsequently, it will be invoiced by Nordania.


Categories of damage - K1-K5


Nordania does not bill damages categorised from K1 to K3.

The car will be examined both on the outside and inside.

Types of damages:

  • K5: Part is missing or must be replaced. Might not be repaired
  • K4: Comprehensive damage that might be repaired and lacquered
  • K3: Larger stone impacts, bumps, and scratches
  • K2: Smaller stone impacts, bumps, and scratches
  • K1: Minor marks and scratches that can be repaired by use of regular preparation
  • K0: Undamaged part.
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