Service of company car

We recommend that you book service checks directly through Nordania Car App, where you will find a list of service garages we collaborate with. In Nordania Car App you can book the service check immediately because you are logged in with your registration and agreement number. In that way, you avoid filling out a Vehicle Service Form. Otherwise, please contact the service garages from the menu below.

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Follow service schedule
You must always follow the service intervals stated in the service book, which should always be kept in the car. It is also important that the service book is filled out properly by the garage. For cars with electronic service book: Please print out the proof of service and keep in in the car's manual. Most cars also display an automatic reminder for the next service check.

Nordania service agreement
When you have a service agreement with Nordania you do not have to worry about

  • unforeseen bills
  • service checks
  • repairs due to normal wear and tear - e.g. change of brakes.

It is always your responsibility to take the car to the garage and have the service done. All service checks must be done in Denmark at authorized garages appointed by Nordania.

It is also your responsibility to maintain the car and ensure that any damage is repaired at a garage approved by Nordania. As a minimum, you should always make sure that

  • the tyre pressure is correct
  • the oil level is correct.

Please note that you must have the tyre changed when the tread depth is worn down to 1.6 mm, which is the legal minimum. In case you are contacted by the authorities or by an importer about extraordinary control of the car, you must always respect it.

Find service garage
From the list below, you can find service garages we collaborate with:

Fill out Vehicle Service Form

If you do not use Nordania Car App, you must fill out and bring the Vehicle Service Form when you hand in your company car at the service garage. Download Vehicle Service Form

Service of company car FAQ

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