Driving abroad

If you are going on holiday abroad and driving in your company car there are some important things you must remember.

You can take your company car abroad. Besides your driver's license and passport, there are some mandatory documents and equipment you must bring with you when you are driving abroad.

  • Warning triangle: Mandatory in many countries. You can buy a warning triangle at the Federation of Danish Motorists, FDM.
  • The original vehicle registration certificate: You must always take Part 1 of the vehicle registration certificate with you. Your company holds Part 1. If you do not hold the vehicle registration certificate, you can order it here (Danish only).
  • DK sticker: Mandatory unless you have EU license plates. You can buy a DK sticker at FDM.
  • Green card: If you are travelling outside the EU, you must bring the green card with you as a guarantee for the liability insurance. You can print the green card from your insurance company's website – it does not have to be printed in colours. If you are insured at Tryg via Nordania, you can order the green card here. Write "Nordania" under policy number. Please note that it might take up to 14 days.
  • Red card: Gives you access to roadside assistance at SOS International if you have comprehensive insurance for the car. You do not have to bring your card along physically. You can either call SOS international's emergency service at +45 70 10 50 52 or download their app for iPhone or Android.
  • Insured by Tryg?: Then you do not need the red card. In need of roadside assistance feel free to contact Nordania Assistance at +45 70 15 13 15 or call Tryg Vejhjælp (roadside assistance) directly at +45 70 11 20 00.
  • Blue health insurance card: As of August 1, 2014, the yellow health insurance card does no longer apply abroad. Therefore, you must bring the blue European Health Insurance Card instead. We kindly ask you to notice that it only applies in the EU and the EEA countries. You can order the card at borger.dk (Danish only).
  • First aid kit: Mandatory in many countries and there must be a first aid kit in the car. If you have Nordania Assistance you already have a first aid kit.
  • Safety vests: Vests for all passengers in the car are mandatory in many countries. Please remember that the vests must be placed in the car cabin. You can often buy safety vests at car dealers or DIY retailers.
  • Carnet de Passages en Douane: A customs document for driving in some countries outside Europe. The document is issued by the German car club, ADAC. Read more about how to order the document here (Danish only).
  • Travel insurance: You should always bring travel insurance along with you when you are travelling outside the EU where the blue European Health Insurance Card is not valid.

Damages abroad

In case of damage or stoppage outside Denmark, SOS International will assist along with Tryg Roadside Assistance as well as Falck's international business partners. Please call +45 70 15 13 15.

Winter break in your company car

Remember the snow chains!


Snow chains
It may come as a surprise even for experienced drivers, but in several areas in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and France, it is mandatory to use snow chains. Especially in ski areas, you can find stretches where you are only allowed to drive if you have snow chains mounted. If you drive in such an area without snow chains, you can be held responsible for the accident, in case you are involved in a crash. When driving with snow chains the speed limit is 50 km/h. Cars with front-wheel-drive must have snow chains attached to the front tyres, whereas the chains should be placed on the rear tyres for cars with rear-wheel-drive.
Studded tyres
The Norwegian Road Traffic Act states that a vehicle cannot be driven unless the tyres have sufficient road grip during the winter months. In practice, this can imply that you must be able to present snow chains - even though your car has studded tyres mounted. You can be denied access to drive abroad when taking a ferry in Norway if you do not have sufficient winter equipment for your vehicle.
Sweden does not have specific demands concerning snow chains, but studded tyres are allowed during the winter months.
However, studded tyres are not an alternative if you are going to the Alps since you are not allowed to use them in Germany.
Winter tyres abroad
In most European countries, you are commanded to use winter tyres, when the weather requires it, - e.g. snow and ice on the roads. But if the roads are dry and the weather is settled, winter tyres are rarely a legal requirement. However, we at Nordania always recommend that you mount winter tyres during the winter months - both in Denmark and abroad.


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